THE SPACES BETWEEN  |  2013 - 2017

This series began as I was enduring one of my husband’s many deployments.
This was one of the longer separations, spanning a period of nine months.
As I thought about our time and distance apart,
him on a ship,
the kids and I safe at home,
I also reflected on that which connects us —
the sea. 

Life, departure, unpredictability, desire, homecoming.
The sea is peace. It is fury.
The sea ebbs and flows,
cutting through one’s thoughts, experiences and memories. 

This space that separates us, also encompasses and binds us —
land and people,
conscious and subconscious,
light and depth,
order and chaos.
It is presence within a vastness. 

From dot to dot, an odyssey is narrated in this series of underwater photographs, 
a journey that is buoyed by promise and hope, a connection that allows us to
keep afloat and remain adrift, while charting the spaces between.