BODY, OF WATER | 2012 - Present

Covering almost 70% of the Earth's surface, water is considered the elixir and source of life by many. Sixty-percent of our bodies are made up of water. The sight and sound of water have been shown to induce a positive response in our brains. Water nourishes us and can help us heal, physically, mentally, and spiritually. In many cultures, water is seen as holy and essential for spiritual enlightenment.

Unlike being on land, there is a flow, an awareness, an acquiescence when one is in the water. As I photograph my female subjects, I ask them to find a place of peace in the water. I reassure them that there is no need for rigid self-control; simply be present and surrender to the ebb and flow of the energy and healing elements that the water has to offer. My hope is that this time in the water allows for a small moment of self-discovery, healing, cleansing, or releasing, whatever is needed by the individual’s unique circumstance — and that I am able to document this moment of magic with my camera.