Artist Bio

Born in Detroit, Michigan, Deb Schwedhelm was originally trained as a Registered Nurse and subsequently spent 10 years employed as an Air Force Nurse. Although she has been passionate about photography since her early 20s, it wasn't until Deb left the military that she was finally able to pursue the medium as a full-time career.

Deb's photographs have been exhibited widely and selected for multiple private and permanent collections. She has been featured and interviewed in numerous publications throughout the world. Deb has received awards from Slow Exposures, The Center for Fine Art Photography, Texas Photographic Society, PhotoNOLA, MPLS Photo Center, The Perfect Exposures Gallery, A. Smith Gallery, Santa Fe Photographic Workshops, and The Art of Photography Show. Most notably, Deb’s work was featured on CNN, she received first prize in PhotoNola’s portfolio review, and she was named one of the Top 50 in Critical Mass.

After 25 years of relocating their home every couple of years with the military, Deb’s husband retired from the Navy in 2019. Deb and her family currently reside in Williamsburg, Virginia, but she hopes to be living in Germany or traveling the United States in an RV in the next few years.